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Eagle Mountain, Utah, United States
My name is Lauren, and I live in the bubble. I am wife to Marshall, the biggest BYU fan in the world; and mother to Carly, our big girl, and Wes, our wild man, and Calvin, our new addition. I graduated BYU with a degree in Social Work, and I went forth to serve at LDS Family Services. I like scrapbooking and going out to eat at nice restaurants. I am fascinated by new cleaning products at the grocery store, so I have to shop in wide circles around the perimeter to avoid the temptation to buy. I love chocolate.

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Low maintenance

One time my husband and I were out on a date, and I was wearing one of the only 2 pairs of jeans I own (one is maternity!), and he said "I think it's so sexy that you are so low maintenance." I was a little confused- it kinda came out of nowhere. I asked what he meant. He said "Your jeans. I love that you wear them even after they are frayed at the bottom. I love that they are the only pair you own. And I love that I know you aren't going to go buy another pair just because they're worn out."

I was a little surprised. Not because he was wrong. But because he was exactly right.

My jeans had long frayed pieces of denim hanging off the cuff where I had stepped all over the hem, and I hadn't even considered buying a new pair. They still fit. They still covered me. Otherwise they were sturdy. I thought they looked nice! Who notices the cuffs anyway?

Well my mom came to visit about a week later and pitched a fit. "They look trashy" she insisted. I compromised and cut the tattered shreds off.

Most girls have numerous pairs of shoes. Some women are 'shoe girls' and collect dozens of pairs for occasional use. I am not a shoe girl. Maybe I would be if I had money to spare. But in general, while I can admire a cute pair of shoes, maybe even covet, I can't see the purpose of spending money on every cute pair you see. You don't need that many if you have the basic staples.

I have 4 pairs of shoes.

- I have a pair of flip flops I stole from Marshall when we got married. These are my casual summer shoes. They are now 7 years old and in perfectly useful condition.
- I have a pair of Ugg boots I wear every single day as casual shoes in the winter. They are now 5 years old. They leak a bit, but should last one more winter.
- I have a pair of running shoes that gets occasional use. I just bought these new in December, replacing the pair I had had since 2000.
- And lastly, I have a pair of black flat dress shoes. I wear these most days year round. They are my work shoes, worn with my black dress skirts to work, and they are my 'dressier' casual shoes worn with my [one pair of] jeans when 'going out.'

I wear my shoes out. Not just until they're scuffed and a newer pair would look nicer. I wear shoes until I can't anymore. Until it's time to go replace that pair with another similar one for that staple's purpose.

Today I had to buy new shoes.

I'm glad that Marshall thinks it's sexy. My mom just thinks it's sad. And I don't think much about it at all, obviously.


Ashley said...

That's so great Lauren! My shoes look the same way, but it may be because I get emotionally attached haha.

Unknown said...

I totally feel you on that! But wearing shoes for that long is bad for your feet. I'm all about saving money and not spending a house note payment on shoes but at least get you some new sneakers. My poor Nana told me growing up to always take care of your feet - she's had 2 foot surgeries to prove it!

*star said...

My answer to that is that I just never throw anything away. I own a whole box of shoes...because I started collecting said shoes in middle school.

Momma Nic said...

This whole post just made me smile. From all the different angles. But the biggest smile of all was how Marshall notices, and likes you for who you are. I am still smiling. Keep up the good work Lauren. Oh, and I totally get that shoe deal. I hate having to look for the few pair of shoes that I have. Enjoy your life.
Lots of Lov,

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