My photo
Eagle Mountain, Utah, United States
My name is Lauren, and I live in the bubble. I am wife to Marshall, the biggest BYU fan in the world; and mother to Carly, our big girl, and Wes, our wild man, and Calvin, our new addition. I graduated BYU with a degree in Social Work, and I went forth to serve at LDS Family Services. I like scrapbooking and going out to eat at nice restaurants. I am fascinated by new cleaning products at the grocery store, so I have to shop in wide circles around the perimeter to avoid the temptation to buy. I love chocolate.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The magic of flat irons

We got a foot and a half of snow yesterday and last night. It's cold, wet, and miserable out there. So in looking for fun things to do indoors with the kiddos, I decided to satisfy my long time curiousity: What would Carly look like with straight hair?

It's much longer than I thought! Wow!


KarenOjai said...


Kim said...

ohmy gosh! Her hair is really long! She can pull it off either way.

Malinda Jane Sieg said...

Holy moly! That is long! Curly or straight, she is a cutie.

Momma Nic said...

Boy that little cutie sure looks like her MAMA.

Maranda said...

wow!! so cute!

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