When I was a little kid (3? 4?) I put a rock up my nose. I told my parents that I had a rock up my nose, but they didn't really believe me. They had me blow my nose and nothing came out. But still, I insisted I had a rock up my nose. All through dinner, all through my evening bath. I don't remember what the catalyst was for them to finally believe me, perhaps a bunch of crying, but my parents finally took me to the ER where low and behold- there was a rock up my nose. In the sinus cavity. They had to use suction to get it out, and now it is glued inside my baby book.
Carly is sick right now. Lots and lots of snot. So blowing our noses has been a pretty regular occurrence in our house this week. Imagine my surprise when I asked her to blow, and then inspected the tissue for productivity, and found a popcorn kernel. Yep, at some point today she shoved a popcorn kernel up her nose. And she never mentioned it. And she looked at it, shrugged, and went on with her day as if that was entirely normal.
The difference between Carly and me is that she is apparently not bothered by foreign objects up the nose.
The difference between me and my mother is that I am not going to paste the kernel into Carly's baby book.
Happy 14th birthday Jace!
4 days ago
But you are supposed to be the scrapbooking queen of the family!! Just rinse and paste away! (Perhaps just a picture of her with the kernal?)
Now wait a minute! Without that rock in your baby book... this story wouldn't be half as entertaining!
Apples falling far from trees and all that. ;)
I once got stuck a carrot up my nose. They had to use a drill to get it out.
My last comment does not make sense. Sorry.
Hahaha...I remember that! I definitely think you should go dig that kernal out of the trash and put it in her baby book.
oops! I mean "kernel"
Hahaha, that is hillarious!
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