Wes is now 6 months old.At his 6 month appointment with the pediatrician, his stats were as follows:
Weight: 16lbs 1oz - 23rd percentile
Height: 27 inches - 70th percentile
Head circumference: 16.9 inches - 20th percentile
Diapers: 3, though we are cheap and are finishing out those size 2's before we buy more!
Clothing: 3-6 fits in Carters, and he is moving on up into 6-9 in many other brands.
- Wes now rocks on hands and knees. This is a very new development and he has only done it a few times. He spent most of the month doing the 'superman' on his belly while yelling at the target of his desire, hoping he'd somehow move forward magically.
- He sits up unassisted for short amounts of time (less than 30 seconds before he has collapsed or fallen over)
- He is getting about 1/3 breastmilk, 2/3 formula. I hope I can continue longer, if possible.
- He is sleeping through the night wonderfully. He doesn't wake up at night at all anymore, and generally sleeps from 10pm to 8 or 9am.
- In the last week, he has decided to break out of his swaddle. He has been turning over onto his belly consistently at night, so we have begun putting him down on his belly now that he can roll and has full control of his head, and SIDS is not as much of a risk anymore.
- He found his feet this month, and has had endless fun playing with his toes.
- He is now eating solids everyday, though he still isn't a fan of baby cereal. We have tried squash and sweet potato so far, and we are going to try out peas tomorrow. (This has been a fun new hobby for me, as I have been learning how to make homemade baby food!) He also now had gotten the hang of eating, and opens up real wide most bites. He is a much cleaner eater than Carly was, which is a pleasant surprise!
- Wes took his first trip to California, had his first Christmas, visited the beach for the first time, and met Auntie Emily! He had a lot of fun adventures in the last month, and is such a fun kid!
Why hasn't he tried carrots yet?
Yea yea, so I burned the carrots. I never said it was a mastered hobby.
I love this baby! He makes me so happy I'm having a boy, I can't wait to have visits so they can play together. miss you lots.
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