Carly to get older.
But only for one reason- Girl Scout Cookies.
I live in the land of large families; in a state with, most likely, the MOST 8-year-old girls per capita. But somehow I don't know a single Girl Scout.
How can this be?!
I don't know.
And usually I don't think about or care that I don't have any 8-year-old girls in my social circle. Except for today. When I've got a terrible craving for Girl Scout Cookies, and I realize that cookie season has come and gone, and no one showed up at my door soliciting. And then I nearly tear up, because how could I have missed yet another cookie season? How did I not work harder to make 8-year-old friends this last year? I had these same feelings of regret last March!
And, I mean, it's not just my loss. It's really a loss for the Girl Scouts of America too. Did any of you sell cookies? Do you remember those color coded order forms?
If a Girl Scout were to come to my door, I would make hers look like this. No joke.
How can that not be win-win?
So now, I wait. For Carly to hurry up and get old enough to sell cookies. I still remember when I sold cookies, and my mom was the cookie coordinator (is that a real title?) and our living room was 3 feet buried under cases and cases of cookies.
Like Christmas.
Someday, I'll be that cookie coordinator mom. I can't wait.
Don't lose heart. I bought a bunch from kids at the grocery store. Go check it out Saturday morning. They were out last Saturday in force!
Ok... you made me laugh! I guess you aren't frequenting the Home Depot or Lowe's these days? And yes...Cookie Chairman, or Cookie Coordinator was the title way back in the day.
I have a confession... I actually ordered 6 boxes of girl scout cookies this year. Then I went on a diet and lost 20 lbs. Then I lost my freakin mind and called the girl scout back and said "NO THANK YOU, you can keep your cookies." Why oh why was I so stupid?
You KILL me Kier! So, should I just go out and circle the next three towns, slowly passing each store in hope? That could take a while...
I haven't seen a single girl scout either. Arrg. I want some Somoas real bad.
Thanks for the great Spring Break idea. We are totally going to have a camp out in the family room. I already told my boys and they were ecstatic.
Just Another Day in Paradise
I saw Girl Scouts selling cookies everywhere! WalMart, Smith', the side of the road lol. Guess you didn't get out. You know, the thin mint cookies are even better at regular stores-Keebler Grasshoppers taste the same if not even better!
FYI, girl scouts start in Kindergarten.....and also. I still have Girl Scout Cookies. I have a ton of Tag a longs, one box of Samoa's and a couple other kinds. If you are interested it would sure help our troop and also your cravings.
Cute blog!
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