Twelve months old
At his 12 month appointment with the pediatrician, his stats were as follows:
Weight: 20lbs 9ozs - 17th percentile
Height: 30.0 inches - 57th percentile
Head circumference: 18.1 inches - 38th percentile
Diapers: size 4
Clothes: 9-12 months
- Wes now has 4 teeth, the two on the bottom and 2 new ones on top.
- He now walks completely proficiently. He hardly crawls at all now. He even tries to run from time to time. I love his walk; he kicks his legs straight and looks so jaunty.
- Wes still has the milk allergy. Ice cream at his birthday party confirmed it. Poor kid.
- Wes is now on soy milk. One day, the same day I kicked Carly out of pull-ups actually, I just stopped with the formula. I expected a rough transition, but it's like he never noticed a difference. 1 can of formula, the generic brand, was 23 dollars. His soy milk is 6 dollars for a gallon, which is more than a can of formula makes. Thank goodness.
- Wes gives the best hugs ever from a baby. Full arms around the neck. Nice firm hugs. I love them so much!
- Wes also gives very enthusiastic open mouthed kisses. What a sweetheart! Though, watch out! He might bite your lip mid kiss if you aren't quick!
- Wes mimics any noise or face we make. If we blow a raspberry, he does. If we bark like a dog, he does. If we make a siren noise, he does. It's so fun.
- Wes loves peek-a-boo. He just uses his hands to "hide" and just places them on top of his head- not actually covering his face or eyes. But it never gets old and he loves to wait and giggle, prolonging our anticipation while we question "Where's Wes? I can't see him! Where's the baby?" until he throws his hands in the air and yells "BOO!"
- Wes can say a few words. Still with the 'mama' and 'dada' and 'hi.' A new one lately is "dance!" He'll start bobbing up and down chanting "dan dan dan" and we all know it's time to boogie.
- Wes has started pointing, and now he walks around most of the time with his index finger outstretched, ready to indicate something new, something funny, or something he wants.
- We all decided that Wes is very much a boy. Even as a baby. He has a lower little voice than Carly did. He's a boy of fewer words. He has an innate desire to throw and growl. And his little torso is already shaped like a V. He's got the broad shoulders and the narrow hips, and no neck. When we were in California, he spent the week in basically just a swim suit, and he just walked around like a little bulldog. He's all boy.
We sure love this kid!