My beautiful big girl is such and joy and a light! She had a little bit of a shock when we introduced her to her new brother. In fact, she didn't really like the idea of holding him, or of mommy holding him, or the suggestion of bringing him home that first day. But now she loves to hold Wes, and bring him his binkies. She is such a sweet big sister, and loves to tell mommy all about how 'Wes is sleeping' or 'Wes is waking' or 'Wes is cwying' or 'Wes poopy!' She's pretty observant and seems to have the pattern of his day down pretty well. And once the dust settled, she seems pretty unfazed by the new little screamer in our home. She is still as lively and joyful as ever. (if only potty training were done!)
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5 days ago
Yay! Pics on the blog. She is adorable. I can't get enough of her hair!!
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