My photo
Eagle Mountain, Utah, United States
My name is Lauren, and I live in the bubble. I am wife to Marshall, the biggest BYU fan in the world; and mother to Carly, our big girl, and Wes, our wild man, and Calvin, our new addition. I graduated BYU with a degree in Social Work, and I went forth to serve at LDS Family Services. I like scrapbooking and going out to eat at nice restaurants. I am fascinated by new cleaning products at the grocery store, so I have to shop in wide circles around the perimeter to avoid the temptation to buy. I love chocolate.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

SYTYCD...its official

I have my favorites. I hold back pledging support until I've seen a bit of the couples. But 3 weeks in a row they've given me goosebumps.

Chelsie and Mark

And its not even because she is a hometown girl.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Well, since Marshall already blogged the beans...

I'm pregnant. Very early pregnant. Like 4 weeks 2 days pregnant. But although we have already told some people in person, apparently Marshall felt it was a good time to announce it blog-o-sphere style. So, now everyone knows. Everyone but my mother-in-law. She is at girls camp, and won't have reception (or the internet) until tomorrow. Sorry Londa!!

Yes, we're very happy. This was planned and we have been trying for a couple months. I hope its a girl. We already have names. We are dorks.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

How to get kicked out of the zoo

Ah, yes, the Hogle Zoo.

Carly has these flashcards with different animals on them. She loves these cards. We have tried to teach her the animals' names and the sounds that they make. One day, we were working on "dog" and she actually got that dog's say "woof woof" and that the card was of a dog. (or so I thought). I soon realized that she thought that every card was a dog and that every animal says "woof woof." Occasionally she'll do a cute elephant imitation: high pitched squeal with arm straight up in the air.

Anyway, since she's learning the animals, we thought maybe it would be fun to go see them in person and let them show her what sounds they make. We planned the trip on a beautiful in Provo, but by the time we were in Salt Lake, it was rainy. But we had no other plans and didn't want to go home early, so a rainy trip to the zoo it was.

It was cold and miserable. And half of the exhibits didn't allow strollers, so we couldn't go inside. Half of the animals were hiding inside (they were smart). But here's a little of what we did see:

ElephantSome kinda monkey or sloth or skunkCougarBears Penguins

Marshall, of course, could not visit the zoo without mocking each of the animals. I'm glad we were there on a day when there were so few other people, because at every exhibit, he would yell, "hey monkey...hey you monkey...monkey monkey monkey." Toward the end of our trip we came upon a peacock that was wandering free. Marshall felt that mocking just wasn't good enough.

Don't worry, the peacock didn't have a heart attack and fall over dead. And we didn't really get kicked out of the zoo. But I bet if it hadn't been raining, and the zoo personnel weren't all huddled in the snack bar, one of them probably would have yelled at us.

Carly still thinks cougars, monkeys, bears, and dogs all say "woof, woof."


We're moving to Salt Lake next week! I just thought I would let everyone know. It is a big lifestyle change for us. This means a whole new town and neighborhood. It is a little intimidating. We have moved a million (well 3) times within Provo, but those moves have never affected daily life, like which grocery store to go to, which exit to use, or which theatre or mall to go to. Provo feels like home after having lived here for 6 years. It's a little intimidating to know we will be up in the big city. So wish us luck!

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